Tiny white fairy orchid, small but so beautiful.

It is almost spring here in Western Australia and that means wildflower season has begun.

Once the weather warms up a little more that means the fields of everlasting daisies and showy wildflowers inevitably bring tourists.

But for now it is quiet in the bush, the way I love best.

Pure bliss! Especially for an overwhelmed mind. There is something healing about treading carefully. Watching where you step. Small steps. Scanning the ground for spots of colour. Slowly, gently.

Enough from me… just wanted to share the treasures I found nearby.

If anyone wants to show their local flowers feel free to add your link in the comments. I’d love to see more wildflowers from around the world.

The blue leschenaultia is just starting to flower on our block

5 thoughts on “Searching for peace? Then now is the time to stop and hunt for wildflowers.

    1. Thank you Maureen 😊. I seem to have been a rollercoaster of ups and downs for some time now and I’ve missed reading blogs here. Can’t wait to catch up on your blog and see what’s new with you. Hope you’re doing ok. ❤ Nat


  1. I’ve so often thought about being one of those tourists and visiting WA during the wildflower season to see the wonderful selection you have over there. Your photos highlight just how beautiful they are, thank you.


  2. Do common Californian flowers look as odd to you as your natives look to us? They ‘sort of’ look familiar, as if I am supposed to know what they are, but they are so foreign.


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