Welcome to my experiment.

I have a diagnosis of major depression. And an autoimmune disease to boot. Medications can only do so much.

I see a psychiatrist weekly for therapy. Take my medications. Try. Try. Try.  But the reality is I need help. I’m 33 years old and most days I feel like my future is bleak.

So this is me… Trying again. Something new. Maybe noone will ever read or care about the words I write. That is ok. This experiment is for me. If it helps another person along the way that is a beautiful bonus.

I would love company on my journey.

So… Where to begin?

I’m Nat. 33 year old Mum of 2 (3 and 4 year old) and avid gardener.

The one place I feel free of the black dog is in my garden (5 acres of Wandoo bush in WA). It has kept me alive through the worst of my depression. Gives me an escape and hope for a depression free future.

I’m looking forward to sharing my garden with you all. Maybe one day I will find my depression buried in the garden too. I can hope!




7 thoughts on “Gardens… A place to escape depression

      1. dude, Beyond Blue has literally been so helpful to me! I want to get something like that starter here in the States!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Maybe you could found BB USA 😊 You’ve got the online presence and the readers after all. Have you checked out Lifeline and SANE and Headspace or the Suicide Callback Service? These are some of the other useful services we have here. Our system still fails people but there are a lot of great ideas here.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yes of course! I used to call Lifeline every day! Back in Australia was when I was completely full- blown agoraphobic! I used to call Lifeline and be like, “LISTEN UP BITCHES! IM ABOUT TO WALK OUTSIDE AND IM PRETTY DAMN SURE IT WILL KILL ME! YOU NEED TO TALK TO ME RIGHT NOW!” And then I’d make them talk to me as I walked around my neighborhood, getting reacquainted with the outside world. I literally owe my life to Australian Lifeline!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Ah you found my favourite. Orbea variegata (carrion flower). Nan gave me some of her plant a lifetime ago and I have taken it from house to house. Now it lives at the block. Red in sun and green in shade and a texture like the skin of a toad 😊. We’ve always lovingly called the toad flowers.


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