Hello everyone… I have missed writing here and sharing your stories (and gardens!).

Oh how I love black dog free moments. When I started writing this post I was in one. Back into the hole now waiting it out.

Those of you with depression will probably relate… I wish you weren’t able to, but knowing you aren’t alone can be comforting.

There are the moments vital to remember when you manage depression.

To record however you can. Write. Photograph. Draw. Video. Anything!

Holding onto these memories however you can is desperately important.

These are the moments to look back on when hope for respite is in short supply.

When you need a tangible reminder that yes! moments of joy exist.

They may be small.

They may be shortlived.

But they happened.

Above all… Moments like these will return in time.

Do you record small joys too? How do you remember them best?

For me it is in photographs. Curiously enough the last moment I planned to share was what gives me hope now.

I visited a brick display yard of all places and found a garden of sorts.

Today I need these photos. I hope you enjoy them too.

Love Nat

12 thoughts on “Getting through the day with depression… Allowing yourself to embrace pleasure wherever you find it.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and to reply to me ☺. It is very late (or early however you consider 230am) so I have to try sleep but I will check out your blog soon.

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    1. Most welcome. I liked the vertical succulent garden very much. Have you changed your WP name? I saw you have a new blog too. What is the address if that is ok?


      1. Yes that’s right. Now I have 2 blogs it didn’t work well for my WP name to be my first blog name so I called myself “Ms. Liz” haha, I like it! Jodi’s painting of the lizard named Ms. Liz gave me the idea – I see you put a Like on the post I did about the lizard so you probably know what I’m talking about! Thanks for being interested in my new blog (I’ll still keep Exploring Colour going as well).. anyway, the url is https://dancinginthecurrent.wordpress.com/ I hope you can pay a visit!

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  1. You absolutely should allow yourself to embrace pleasure, however small the pleasure is. My twelve-year old said the other day that she has decided to enjoy small things in her stressful school day, like if she drops her pencils she will appreciate the colours and pattern they make. I was delighted to hear this, as I think making the most of small pleasures is what sustains me. There is always something small to notice, and consciously appreciating it makes it last.

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  2. All of your points resonate, Nat, even for someone who doesn’t suffer from depression. For me, there are so many small things in the garden that give pleasure: a bloom appearing on a rose I grew from a cutting, seeing a bearded dragon appear, beautiful birds paying a visit, a shower of rain. These are good things to remember when I get a bit low about the difficulties of maintaining a garden in this climate. I enjoyed seeing your photos- glad they brought you pleasure too.

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  3. Hope you soon feel better, Nat. Thank you for beautiful photos of this unexpected garden. You are an inspiration, even when you are unwell. Maureen xx

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  4. I like your idea of recording our moments of joy to look back on it more difficult times. Joy is shortlived but it packs so much into the minute or second that we experience it. I paint and when depression keeps me from painting I can look back at my artwork and say, “Life can be good. Life was good. And maybe it will be again.” https://aergiasdaughter.com

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